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  Understanding how the Chinese writing system illustrates universal design features of writing and literacy learning, as well as how it differs from alphabetic literacy, has become one of the cutting edge areas of research in the cognitive sciences. A major part of this book is devoted to the presentation of a series of proposals for collaborative research with investigators working in East Asia on cross-writing system comparisons and bilingual literacy—Comparing alphabetic and morpho-syllabic literacy. The part that corresponds to "International perspectives" proposes new avenues in research on problems of bilingualism shared by speakers of all languages.

  With a broad survey of research advances drawing from recent investigations, this book will provide non-specialist readers with examples of how the relevant concepts might be applied to practical problems-age of acquisition effects in first and second language development; analysis of language attrition and asymmetries of different kinds; issues of componentiality (or modularity); bilingual and second language literacy; and the discussion of an important debate in second language acquisition theory and practice.

  Bilingual development and literacy learning is intended for practitioners in the field of second language education, administrators and policy makers, and pre-service teachers (upper division and graduate level). In addition, students and specialists in allied fields interested in the key theoretical concepts will find it useful, including in the cognitive sciences in general and sociolinguistics. A detailed glossary is included for readers new to the study of bilingualism and second language learning.



  Norbert FRANCIS is Professor of Bilingual and Multicultural Education in the College of Education at Northern Arizona University.


1.Introduction- Problems of bilingualism and second language literacy in today's globalized   learning spaces
2.Balanced and imbalanced bilingualism
3.Bilingual development in exceptional circumstances
4.Bilingual literacy and comparative research on writing systems
5.Self-correction? Negative evidence in second language literacy learning
6.Corrective feedback in language learning
7.The foundation of immersion education-Integration of language and content
8.Studies of bilingualism for further study
9.Research problems that still have not been solved-response to The Taipei lectures


  In East Asia, as in all regions of the world, second language learning and bilingualism have always been important academic objectives, as far back in history as is possible to record events reliably. But only until more recently have these objectives, including first and second language literacy, been within reach of the broad majority of learners enrolled in school. In the not too distant past, the possibility of attaining bilingualism of this kind had been the privilege of a select few. We could say that today it is still restricted to a fortunate minority; but new conditions have laid the groundwork for changing this state of affairs. Globalization is one of the reasons. Digital technology is another.

  Without a doubt, the growing attention to research about different kinds of bilingualism is related to the rapidly growing interest in learning English, evidenced in all but the most isolated societies. Of course, English has not always been in this position. Historically, other languages have served the function of lingua franca across borders and cultures: each in its time, Arabic and Latin in the lands of the Mediterranean and Europe, the languages of the great indigenous empires of the Americas, Chinese throughout East Asia, to mention only a few examples. Today, however, the potential and promise of intercultural communication is different: the “franca” aspect of the current international language of wider communication is global in the true sense, for the first time in history. At the same time, we should not forget that around the world a number of regional lingua francas are also expanding, all of this making the scientific study of bilingualism more important than ever before.

  Increasingly, learners face complex and demanding language learning objectives; and choices about major commitments to language learning that are not always optional. This is because the relationships among the national, regional and international languages in each country, and in each community of speakers, are complex and demanding in the same proportion. Complicating matters of this developing bilingualism and multilingualism is the parallel pressure on many languages resulting in their displacement, by an expanding language, and even in their extinction. Often, learning a second language results in losing proficiency in one’s first language. Related to this phenomenon of “learning and forgetting,” is the common outcome of bilingualism in which there is an imbalance in proficiency between one language system and the other. This kind of unequal distribution of competence and ability, in fact, is the most common outcome of bilingual development and second language learning. Understanding these different kinds of language interaction is important for fields of study such as linguistics and psychology and for resolving a number of practical problems in education, to take one example.

  One may ask: what is special about bilingualism and literacy in East Asia that it came to be included in the subtitle of this book? In regard to the interaction between two grammatical systems (reading and writing aside for now), and the way that young children acquire them to become bilingual, and the way that adults learn second languages, there is nothing peculiar in the languages of East Asia. There is probably nothing exceptional in this case, from a cognitive point of view, compared to bilingual development in any other part of the world. Rather, it is in the domain of literacy where cross-language/cross-writing system and bilingual/biliterate comparisons are truly interesting. Here it is fair to say that the contrasts among the writing systems in question are exceptional in some important ways. The morphosyllabic characters of Chinese writing, incorporated into and adapted by Japanese writing, have no parallel in any modern orthographic system. They may not have any other true historical parallel either (although this claim is likely to be controversial). Most interesting, however, is the suggestion by recent research that despite the differences in the design of writing systems, common processes of literacy learning and use are shared across all literate cultures.

  Today, in part because of the speed and efficiency of word processing, and the rapidly increasing access to it by literacy learners, new interest has emerged among linguists and psychologists in the comparison among writing systems. In the not too distant past, access to portable computers was also the privilege of a select few. How do both native speakers and second language beginners learn the morphosyllabic system, how are the subcomponent skills represented mentally, and how are they put to use in performance (e.g., in terms of comparisons and contrasts with alphabetic systems)? In bilingualism and biliteracy, what are the interfaces, mechanisms of transfer, and mutual influences among systems and subsystems? What aspects of literacy knowledge and processing are the same across orthographies, and which aspects are different? In short, the research problems in these areas are unique and special.

  Other aspects of bilingualism and literacy addressed in the coming chapters are not specific to any language or writing system. These correspond to the “international perspectives” in the title. In fact, we should be wary of arguments about language and writing that emphasize at every turn particular and peculiar, culture-bound and “local,” and highly context-dependent properties. Alongside exceptional and unique aspects of literacy ability there is reason to assume universal foundations as well.

  Two aspects of bilingualism and multilingualism, both related to the notion of uneven development mentioned above, are especially important from the language policy and planning point of view because they involve issues of social inequality.

  1.  Speakers of minority languages and speakers of national languages face different, in many ways unequal, requirements, opportunities and conditions of use, for example: knowledge of a language that is optional versus obligatory, access to resources tied to languages of wider communication, prospects of the very survival of a community language into future generations.

  2.  For many minority language students who have not yet learned the national or official language, disproportionately unfavorable learning conditions result, on average, in reduced attainment of academic language objectives in school (literacy above all). A factor that contributes to these unfavorable conditions could be the mismatch between the language of instruction in school and the language that children understand. For example, some children learn how to read and write in the language they understand completely; others face the challenge of literacy learning in a language that they understand incompletely, or not at all.

  This book is not about inequality in society and the unequal distribution of language learning resources, and offers no direct solutions for policy makers on this score. But the linguistic/cognitive research problems of imbalance and asymmetry (in the bilingual mind) are important to discuss because they are part of the solution.

  My sincerest thanks are owed to colleagues and friends for their valuable consultations, critical comments and suggestions, and interesting discussions on the topics in this book: Kerim Friedman, Scott Hadley, Xue-ping Hu, Kent Johnson, Panay Kumod and the students and faculty of the College of Indigenous Studies at the National Dong Hua University, Melissa Shih-hui Lin, Judith Oller Badenas, Akiyo Pahalaan (Tung-Chiou Huang), Charles Perfetti, Jiang Xia, Jin Xue, and especially Chih-Hsiung Tu for his help in analyzing the writing sample in Chapter 5. Thank you to Natalia and Zoraida for the interesting discussions on a number of the important topics in Chapters 5, 6 and 7. I am especially grateful for the many helpful comments and suggestions offered by managing editor Edmund Chan and anonymous reviewers of earlier versions of the final manuscript.

  Acknowledgement is granted to the following publications. Portions of earlier versions of chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 appeared in Applied Linguistics, International Journal of Bilingualism, Journal of Child Language, Language in Society, Language Learning, Language Sciences, Tamkang Studies of Foreign Languages and Literatures, and proceedings from symposia on English teaching published by the English Teachers Association of the Republic of China.



  • ISBN:9789629372057
  • 規格:平裝 / 274頁 / 16k / 19 x 26 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:香港
  • 本書分類:> >



... 眾所周知,三國時期,英雄輩出。而呂布便是其中之一。而在演義中,呂布更是有"三國第一猛將"之稱,民間更是有"人中呂布馬中赤兔"之說。而呂布真正的出名,還要從虎牢關獨戰十八路諸侯開始。而縱觀史書,呂布此人"生得氣宇軒昂,威風凜凜",一看就並非常人。但如此人才,在建安三年被曹操所俘後,卻被曹操殺死,但同為俘虜的張遼卻被曹操收入曹營。這又是為何呢?以下便是個人的觀點。 ... 第一,劉備與呂布有仇,必然勸告曹操不留活口。 在建安三年,曹操俘虜呂布時,劉備正在曹操跪下避難。而避難的根本原因,正是在於呂布。呂布奪了劉備的徐州,並想對劉備趕盡殺絕,劉備無奈投奔曹操。此刻呂布被俘虜,想必劉備的內心也是十分的痛快。自然會想盡一切辦法,勸告曹操誅殺呂布。 據《三國演義》記載,呂布被曹操所俘後,曾對曹操說:明公所患,不過於布。布今已服矣。公為大將,布副之,天下不難定也!"而聽到這裡,曹操心裡難免有幾分動搖,畢竟呂布的能力是有目共睹的。殺掉一個人才也實在是可惜。但劉備聽了之後,肯定更加深了對呂布的殺意。因為劉備也有一統天下之志,若呂布歸順曹操,曹家勢力定然如虎添翼,自己更難敵對。 ... 所以,在曹操詢問劉備的意見時,劉備就提出了自己的看法。"玄德答曰:"公不見丁建陽、董卓之事乎?"而正是這一句話提醒了曹操。呂布固然是一員猛將,但若其不能為自己所用,恐怕將來還是會如同其他人一樣,死於呂布之手。更何況曹操素來多疑,董卓等人的前車之鑑又明晃晃的擺在面前,再加上劉備的勸告,呂布最終也就難逃被誅殺的結局了。 第二、呂布本身身為三姓家奴,品行不良,實難再用。 公元176年,呂布投靠并州刺史丁原,後來丁原見呂布武藝非凡,便收其為義子。後呂總被董卓所誘惑,在殺丁原後又拜董卓為義父。後來董卓挾天子以令諸侯,姦淫後宮,貪財好色。王允便以貂蟬為誘,勾起呂布對董卓的仇恨,說服呂布親手殺死董卓。之後呂布戰敗,又投靠劉備。張飛怒斥其為"三姓家奴"。 ... 而也正是呂布如此性情,才導致了自己最終的死亡。回顧呂布一生,雖武藝高強,但卻為了利益不顧一切,典型的牆頭草。性子又居功自傲,急功近利。更甚至在當時那個信義重於一切的時代,忘恩負義,為了自身利益,三番兩次殺死義父,為天下人所不齒。也正是因為自己不堪回首的過去,才有了後來劉備三言兩語便影響曹操的決定,誅殺呂布的結局。 更何況在曹操本身就善妒多疑,呂布就算最終投奔在曹營,以曹操的性子,恐怕也難以對其卸下心防,呂布也難以得到重用。而劉備性子溫順,最講信義,呂布無論如何,都曾替劉備解過圍,對其有恩。若非呂布自身欺人太甚,作惡多端,又怎會落得個無人能救,無人敢救的下場呢?且曹操曾評價呂布:"布,狼子野心,誠難久養,非卿莫能究其情也。"可見呂布結局早已註定。 ... 第三、與呂布相比,張遼可謂是猛將一名,又有關羽求情,自然得到重用。 張遼,初任雁門郡吏,後又曾跟隨丁原、何進、董卓、呂布等人,雖歷經坎坷,但始終恪盡職守。而且張遼也並非跟呂布一樣,屢次叛主。而是在自己跟隨的主公死後,又去尋找下一個可以投靠的人。細細說來,本質上也算不上叛主。更由此可見張遼的忠義。 而在呂布張遼二人都因戰敗被俘後,二人的反應也足以曹操覺得如何抉擇。張遼的反應是拒絕投降,並大罵曹操,可見其自身悍不畏死。而呂布則並非如此,他先是誘惑曹操,說可為其效力,後見不成,又破口大罵。二者鮮明的對比,也足以讓曹操看清二人的品行,從而選擇張遼。 ... 更何況在曹操欲殺張遼之時,劉備麾下的關羽曾替張遼向曹操求情。據演義記載:"玄德攀住臂膊,雲長跪於面前。玄德曰:"此等赤心之人,正當留用。"雲長曰:"關某素知文遠忠義之士,願以性命保之。"正因關羽劉備二人的求情,曹操也便就坡下驢,收了張遼。 由此可見,呂布與張遼二人結局的不同,正是由於品行高低所決定的。 你是如何看待呂布與張遼的? 歡迎關注,講述三國故事,了解那段鮮為人知的故事。









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